Scott Dillion
About this instructor
Scott Dillion is a 25-year veteran middle school technology teacher. He has 16 years’ experience teaching adult education woodworking classes. Scott’s passion for creating skateboards and longboards exploded when he first took a class at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking. He began experimenting on his own style of skateboards and fell in love with the challenges of making boards that look good and function safely. Scott has taken the Marwood RAD Veneer Skateboard class which allowed him to learn even more techniques and tricks of the trade. Scott has taught skateboarding classes for the Maker Space at the University of Louisville. He also has a longboard club, where the kids love riding their inventions through the hallways. He really enjoys seeing the unique and creative designs students came up with for their boards.
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Parent/Child Making a Skateboard or Longboard
with Scott Dillion July 19-20, 2025