Luke Calder

About this instructor
Luke Calder has been creating his hand-crafted gilded world globes and maps for over 10 years. He learned the craft of gilding through a signwriting apprenticeship in the 1980’s when hand gilded signs for professional practices was in demand. The creation of his globes is a combination of these valued skills and his love of cartography and travel. Each artwork that Luke creates is truly an individual piece due to the variations of the patina process and it’s only through years of experimentation that Luke is able to control and manipulate this process to achieve the desired results. Luke’s artwork has been featured in various online and print publications around the world. Luke has been a finalist in the National Small Sculpture Awards twice. He is represented by a number of galleries in his home country of New Zealand and creates commissioned pieces for clients all over this wonderful world. Luke lives in Dunedin, New Zealand.
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Gilding & Patination: Open a New World of Possibilities
with Luke Calder May 19-23, 2025