Inspired Passion – Inspired Purpose
This past winter Susie attended a six-week program, hosted by a local friend, to learn more about our Founding Fathers. These men ranged from military leaders, rebels, politicians, farmers, businessmen, lawyers and even craftsmen. They varied in status and background, but all played a vital part in crafting the framework of our country. Each week her workshop started with a short video produced and hosted by former Texas State Representative Rick Green titled Constitution Alive, America’s most engaging and entertaining study of the U.S Constitution. Although I couldn’t attend these sessions with Susie, I did watch the series which caused me to take a deeper dive into what made these Founding Fathers so special. I determined that they all had characteristics in common that distinguished them from other men of their time, or any time for that matter;
they had courage, wisdom, and virtue.
Okay I get it, what the heck does that have to do with a craft school in the middle of corn fields in Indiana nearly 250 years later? I would NEVER EVER compare myself to those incredible men, but to run a small private business today requires a lot of those same characteristics. It takes courage to grow and invest your own money in a business that’s largest overhead is liability insurance. Believe me, sometimes my toes curl in my shoes when certain alumni are using the table saw–watching them takes courage! The good Lord didn’t give me much wisdom, but He did put people in my life that have guided, advised, directed, supported, and used their knowledge and experience to guide me in making good decisions. My staff have shirts that say, “Wait a minute, I’ll ask Doug.” Doug has an uncanny way of using his experience, good sense, and insights to always make good decisions. People like that are good to have around. The other distinguishing trait of our Founding Fathers was their virtue. To call myself virtuous would defy the meaning, but I do believe that God has gifted this school to me for some reason, which in time I will understand. Several years ago, I had a university professor tell me what separates my program from all others is our “wholesomeness”. I hope in time, my life can be summarized by that one word.
Last summer during the middle of our school season our neighbors, the McFie family, mentioned that they had a few friends who were in town for a conference and wanted to take a tour of our facilities. We set up a time which included having lunch at the school. After all, if you want to impress someone, show them you own an ice cream machine. As we were in line for lunch one of the gentlemen mentioned to me a building project his company was working on, which lead the conversation into a short history lesson. Weird huh? Then it hit me; this is Rick Green, the producer of the series my wife and I had watched earlier that year. He brought along Krish Dhanam who is recognized globally for his motivational and teaching skills which led him to become the Vice President of Global Operations for the legendary Zig Ziglar. It was a treasure to listen to those two men talk about what it meant in 1776 to be a true Patriot.
Inspired by their knowledge of American history the interest in the building project that Rick was planning, made me realize our meeting that afternoon was more than happenstance, but predestined. Fired up by Rick’s inspiring patriotism, and his project to recreate Independence Hall in Texas, I presented an idea to Rick where the community of MASW would recreate all the tables, chairs, balusters, wall moldings and other items that currently exist in the Assembly Room of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, just as they were (to the best of our knowledge) at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the drafting of the U.S. Constitution. A lofty task I will admit, but I know the creative spirit of the MASW family. They are people who understand and respect the privileges given to us by our fathers, grandfathers, Founding Fathers, and our Father in Heaven.
Earlier I mentioned the three characteristics that our Founding Fathers had in common, but I left out the most important trait, and that was passion. They had an intense emotion that led to compelling actions which were to preserve the rights and liberties of ALL Americans. This is the heritage given, and fought for by past generations, to assure Susie and I have the right to own our own business, which has become our life’s work. We have committed everything we have to grow and nurture this program. Every day, (we never miss a day) we pray for God to grant us leadership, wisdom, safety for our students and most of all we give thanks for our American heritage.
Your passion is yours; your purpose is for others.