The Roger Cliffe Memorial Foundation
Roger Cliffe was a family man, college professor, author, avid pool player, woodworker and a very dear friend. Roger died suddenly from a heart attack in 2001 while riding a bike. He had a doctorate degree in Industrial Arts and was a teacher with distinction at Northern Illinois University. He had a huge impact on our entire MASW family. Today, the RCMF has gifted close to a million dollars in grants, internships, and special needs for students in the MASW family.
What an incredible legacy!
The RCMF can financially assist students in one of six ways:
1. The David Worrell “The Young Apprentice Program”
2. The Don Metcalf “American Military Assistance Program”
3. The Zane Powell “Special Needs Program”
4. The MASW “Intern Program”
5. The Alumni “Financial Aid Program”
6. The Matthew Hill “Woodturning Program”
The RCMF is a public charity organized as a 501c(3) corporation. All donations to the RCMF are tax deductible to the full extent as allowed by the law. If you know someone who could benefit or if you would like to help the cause, please contact:
Johnson County Community Foundation (JCCF)
Attn: Stephanie Marten
PO Box 217
Franklin, IN 46131
Or call the school at 317-535-4013. All checks must be made out to:
Johnson County Community Foundation (JCCF) and in the memo line you must write: Roger Cliffe Memorial Fund.