Beyond the Basic Bowl
with Mark Gardner
July 28-August 1, 2025
$995 tuition + $55 material fee
About This Workshop
Nothing is more satisfying than seeing ribbons of shavings effortlessly peeling off a fresh green bowl blank and watching the bowl shape emerge from the rough blank of wood. This class will focus on mastering the bowl gouge for efficiently turning bowls from green wood. Time will be spent learning how to properly sharpen and use the side-ground bowl gouge. Discussions will center around design considerations based on the bowl’s intended use, decorative or functional. Green wood as a material will be discussed in depth. Production methods for producing multiples as well as coring and drying will be covered. As the week progresses more challenging forms will be attempted, such as natural edge bowls and slightly closed forms, i.e. calabash bowls. Simple surface techniques will be covered to help students create work with a more personal feel. These include carving, engraving, wire brushing, burning, milk paints, and dyes.
Key Points
- Green wood as a material
- Avoiding cracks in your bowls
- Proper use of the bowl gouge
- Sharpening
- Shear scraping
- Form and design
- Visualizing the bowl in the blank
- Methods of production, coring and drying
- Surface design

Mark Gardner
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Beyond the Basic Bowl with Mark Gardner July 28-August 1, 2025
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