Build & Learn How to Use a One-of-a-Kind Primitive Composite Bow & Arrow
with David Mead
September 29-October 3, 2025
$90 material fee payable to David
About This Workshop
This course is for anyone wanting to learn the art of making one of the most complex ancient bow designs in history: The Composite Bow. This complex design has been simplified by David in such a way that students of all skills levels can take part in learning the craft. There is no bow making class anywhere that compares because this composite bow is composed of five parts using three different materials, all working in unison. Students will learn how to make a composite bow from raw materials. Ample class time will be dedicated to presentation and discussion on how to effectively use and care for the student’s new hand-crafted archery equipment. No experience is needed, and everyone will come away with a deep understanding of how our ancestors’ used bows and arrows to defend and feed themselves. Students will gain a full experience of what it’s like to craft, then tune within their human abilities, a new composite bow as it becomes an extension of their body. Sinew backing will also be demonstrated during the week. David is fast-paced and organic in his style, but detailed and structured, allowing plenty of time to ensure students have a complete understanding of the task at hand.
Key Points
- Build a composite bow from raw materials
- Make arrows from natural materials
- Learn tried and true methods of bow making
- Practice instinctive (“natural archery”)
- Learn tricks that make David’s method unique and organic
- Build a unique bow that will get student addicted to archery
- Sinew backing

David Mead
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Build & Learn How to Use a One-of-a-Kind Primitive Composite Bow & Arrow with David Mead September 29-October 3, 2025
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