Coppersmith: Making Your Own 10 Gallon Still - Yes, It Is Legal
with Christopher Kelley
September 22-26, 2025
$500 material fee payable to Christopher
About This Workshop
Who wants to build a still? This class would be great for the distilling enthusiasts, metal artists, home prepper, essential oil manufacturer, perfume maker, anyone who wants to make their own distilled water and, of course, the hobbyist. In this class, the future copper smiths will be instructed on how to take a sheet of copper and construct a safe vessel for distilling. The students will be reintroduced to basic geometry by using “pi” (3.14) with basic functions of multiplication, division, adding and subtracting. Hands-on learning is taken step-by-step through the entire process. Students may customize or personalize their and will be encouraged to develop their own techniques. Proper use of a torch is the most important manual approach when making a still. By the end of the week, students will have the skills and knowledge to build any size vessel desired. Chris “Copper” Kelley is an energetic and experienced copper smith with a world-renowned business.
Key Points
- Design theory and problem solving
- Mathematical calculations
- Shaping copper and joining copper with other metals
- Use of hand tools
- Proper torch techniques
- Learn stages of what to build first
- Testing and cleaning
- Proper use after completion

Christopher Kelley
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Coppersmith: Making Your Own 10 Gallon Still – Yes, It Is Legal with Christopher Kelley September 22-26, 2025
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