Emergency Preparedness: Water, Heat, Food, Sanitation, Communication & More
with Nat Sellers
August 2-3, 2025
$500 tuition + $70 material fee
About This Workshop
Do you have fears and apprehensions about future disasters? Well, you can leave those at home! If you’re ready to prepare FOR your needs and those you love, not AGAINST what you fear, then this is the class for you. Preparedness based on needs rather than fears, reduces stress and burnout, costs less time and money, and is overall more effective at minimizing disruptions from hazards. In this class, students will take a measured look at their individual disaster risks, how to understand what impact would be on their needs, and what to do to make sure those needs are met. This will include a look at food storage methods, water collection, storage, and purification, sanitation and hygiene, cooking, first aid, safety and security, and more! Students will also learn about how to take immediate action to respond to some of the most likely hazards one might face, including medical emergencies, power outages, tornadoes, earthquakes, and more. Each participant will develop a family emergency plan and a training and exercise plan for their home, so they are ready to take immediate lifesaving action. Students will learn from a professional emergency manager who takes having fun with preparedness seriously, and gives participants peace of mind concerning whatever disruptions they might someday face.
Key Points
- Professional best-practices applied to your home
- Food and water storage methods
Family emergency plan template - How to address immediate, life-threatening emergencies
- Keeping preparedness fun and positive
- Learn practical skills
- Realize preparedness isn’t crazy after all

Nat Sellers
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Emergency Preparedness: Water, Heat, Food, Sanitation, Communication & More with Nat Sellers August 2-3, 2025
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