Joinery II
with Marc Adams
August 18-22, 2025
$995 tuition + $75 material fee
About This Workshop
This workshop will deal with the layout, marking, and cutting of joints—mostly by hand—that will make you the envy of all your woodworking friends. The class will be open only to students who have completed Joinery I. The week will start with a quick review of joint selection, terms and applications. It will build on the foundations of Joinery I and will continue on dovetailing, including small and tight dovetails, compound dovetails, blind mitered dovetails, curved dovetails, and even dovetails that seem impossible. Participants will be challenged each day to make special joints with specific criteria. Of course, the family of mortise and tenon joints will be explored and will include cutting double, though, angled, and everyone’s favorite—the curved slipped mortise and tenon joint. By the end of the week, students will work on decorative joints that include bridles, scarf joints, and sliding dovetails on curved surfaces. There will be a few sessions where students will be paired with other students to complete specific joint challenges. The goal of the class is to provide students with the confidence to tackle any joint required to accomplish a piece of furniture in the best possible manner. Each joint project will be discussed and then demonstrated, and alternative methods of how to make the joint, by hand or machine, will be suggested and reviewed by the class. Everyone will receive hands-on coaching in the use of the tools throughout the week. By the end of the class, students will leave with a big bag of sample joints that will amaze everyone.
Key Points
- Learn how to cut unique, yet practical joints
- Make and use simple fixtures for creating complex cuts
- Develop advanced layout skills
- Learn how to visualize joints in 3D
- Advance your woodworking skills
- Learn proper applications for structural joinery

Marc Adams
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Joinery II with Marc Adams August 18-22, 2025
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