Make a Curved Sole Coopering Plane
with Adrian Ferrazzutti
July 26-27, 2025
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About This Workshop
In this weekend class students will make a wooden hand plane with a curved sole. This style of plane is a must have for making coopered panels, doors or chair seats. Adrian will demonstrate how to slice up a block of hardwood and cut it into the needed pieces and then glue it back together to create the body of the plane. A sole will then be glued on and shaped to match the radius of the plane iron. Adrian will go over all the steps needed to tune-up a curved Hock plane iron and tune the plane for optimal performance. Students will be responsible for bringing their own hardwood blank for the body. It should be a domestic hardwood of their choice, hard maple, cherry, oak as well as a Hock plane iron. In addition, Adrian will demonstrate how to make a coopered panel so students will be able to test out their new plane.
Key Points
- Creating your own tool
- Precision milling of parts
- Layout and assembly of parts
- Strategies for gluing
- Building hand skills
- Curved blade sharpening

Adrian Ferrazzutti
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Make a Curved Sole Coopering Plane with Adrian Ferrazzutti July 26-27, 2025
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