Need Some Relief: Add Interest & Life to Your Work with Power Carving
with Dixie Biggs
April 28-May 2, 2025
$995 tuition + $75 material fee
About This Workshop
Explore the embellishment techniques of power relief carving and woodburning that can be used by woodturners, furniture makers or other wood artists to expand the visual impact of their work. Students will learn techniques for relief carving using a micro-motor rotary power carver; the use of woodburners for adding texture and detail; and incorporating color into work with acrylic paints through the dry-brush technique. This class is focused on off-the-lathe and off-machinery techniques, so while the ability to use a lathe or other woodworking machines is a plus, it is not required. Dixie will walk students, step-by-step, through her relief-carving techniques from layout to bit selection, to finishing detail on sample discs and sample blocks that will be provided. The beginning exercises will help in the process of developing skills that quickly become advanced, so bring projects that are dry and ready to carve. No previous power carving or painting experience is needed; just show up with a desire to discover and explore the techniques.
Key Points
- Taking the mystery out of power relief carving
- Having fun exploring several new approaches to relief carving
- Developing tool control
- Modifying carving burrs
- Experiment with textures created with a variety of burrs
- Tips and tricks for sanding
- Incorporating newfound skills into your own work

Dixie Biggs
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Need Some Relief: Add Interest & Life to Your Work with Power Carving with Dixie Biggs April 28-May 2, 2025
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