Turning a Beaded Vessel
with Pat Carroll
April 7-11, 2025
$995 tuition + $75 material fee
About This Workshop
This is a class to explore the many possibilities of beading the outside of a vessel or bowl. The week will begin with a thorough discussion of safe practices for this style of woodturning. Following this, each student will use the tools they bring to execute vessel and bowl turning—with special attention to specific problems students may be having with their tools. Next, preferable wood selection for the beading operations will be explained and demonstrated. At the core of this class will be selecting different types of tools for beading and proper methods for sharpening to reduce tear out and crisp details between beads. For the inside work Pat will explain why bowl gouges with short bevels offer distinct advantages. There will also be a discussion for recommending a negative rake scraper for inside work. Along the way will be tips for producing pleasing shapes/forms for such items as vessels or bowls. The class will wrap up with the discussion and critique of the completed work.
Key Points
- Examples of beaded work
- Safety
- Tool selection
- Specific tools and sharpening for beaded work
- Preferrable wood selection for beaded work
- Finishing suggestions
- Critique of finished work
Pat Carroll
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Turning a Beaded Vessel with Pat Carroll April 7-11, 2025
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