Turning a Table Lamp
with Will Lerums
August 9-10, 2025
$500 tuition + $55 material fee
About This Workshop
It seems as though every woodworking book or high school shop class has a lamp project, but how many of those go through a hands-on step-by-step process that begins with design and reinforces proper turning techniques, chucking methods, drilling on the lathe, and much more? This class will begin with a design period followed by Will reviewing items needed for a lamp such as retro glass shades, lamp hardware, switches and accessories that can be purchased from a local antique store. Discussions will include how the lamp will be constructed in a methodical way using numerous chucking methods. With a custom design and written out gameplan, students will turn all the components and apply the finish of their choice. Finally, students will assemble the lamps and add any finishing touches.
Key Points
- Shaping, sharpening, and honing turning tools
- Turning spindles between centers
- Long grain and face grain turning techniques and tools
- Methods of mounting face grain material using a chuck
- Fitting tolerances on the lathe
- Finishing techniques on and off the lathe

Will Lerums
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Turning a Table Lamp with Will Lerums August 9-10, 2025
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