with Will Lerums
June 23-27, 2025
$995 tuition + $50 material fee
About This Workshop
Whether looking to develop a turning foundation or further hone your skills, this class will be a boot camp in basics and proper technique. Students will be introduced to the lathe and all the associated tooling. Everyone will learn shaping and sharpening to the proper grind and the proper movements to produce the most perfect beads and coves. And that’s only Monday. Through demonstrations and hands-on assistance, students will walk through several spindle or long-grain projects. Upon understanding the grain direction, the class will learn how to hollow end grain and produce several end grain projects. Finally, students will be introduced to the wonderful world of face-grain bowl turning. By Friday, each participant will have the proper tools, skills, and knowledge to produce endless possibilities at the lathe.
Key Points
- Lathe safety and orientation
- How to shape and sharpen turning tools
- Proper long-grain and face-grain turning techniques
- The safest ways to mount and secure wood to the lathe
- Finishing techniques on and off the lathe
- Determining the best lathe, grinder and tools to purchase for turning needs

Will Lerums
Interested in learning more about the instructor and their workshops?
Get all the details about our Full Week Programs, including Tuesday night presentations, by visiting the Full Week Programs page.
Woodturning with Will Lerums June 23-27, 2025
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